Take It or Toss. It: Decluttering 101
March 27, 2023
Decluttering Tips From Beltmann Moving and Storage 
When your household goods include years of collecting and storing all the things, it might just be time to take a closer look at what all you’re keeping. And if you’re considering an upcoming moving date this spring, then it’s especially beneficial to you and yours to hop on the decluttering train.
But how do we know whether to take it or toss it? To get started, we’ve created a simple how-to guide to decluttering, with practical tips to help you stay organized in your space.
Before you begin, take time to think through what are some general guidelines for you in tackling this project. For example, how much time do you have to focus on it? If you’re new to decluttering, Becomingminalist.com recommends starting with just 5 minutes per day, gradually working up to 30 to 60 minutes every day.
Another option is taking the 12-12-12 challenge: Find 12 items to throw away, 12 items to donate, and 12 items to move to a more suitable place in your home.
To start, gather the items you’re thinking about removing from your home into several broad categories, such as: household décor, books & music, sentimental items, and clothing & shoes.
Next, ask yourself, Am I planning to use it regularly?
If the answer is No, then this probably calls for tossing it away or donating it to someone else who might enjoy or benefit with it even more.
Then ask yourself, When I hold this item, how do I feel? Think about whether it’s giving strong sentimental vibes to you, or simply something you held onto for no particular reason. Some other questions to ask include, If I saw this in a store would I buy it? And would I want it enough to pay to move it across the country? (For more on how to prepare for an interstate move, you’ll appreciate one of our earlier posts.)
As much as possible, try to think of specific answers. Experts suggest that if you only give yourself vague answers when wondering if you’ll use it, then most likely you won’t.
Some other helpful hints include:
Consider what you can replicate through technology.
Is it a book you find online? A DVD of your favorite movie that now you could stream? CDs from all those cool concerts you attended, whose albums are just as easily found on Spotify? Use the technology wherever you can to help minimize your excess.
Send the swag.
Old corporate logos on everything from laptop cases to sunglasses to visors have likely served their time. Now it’s time to toss it aside, as a thrift store probably won’t want it, either!
Think of paying it forward.
Now that you’ve made peace with getting rid of a few things, you can walk through your home like a first-time visitor — and envision a new home for certain things. That desk in the corner might help out a college student. Or the kitchen table you’ve outgrown could be a DIYers dream project.
At Beltmann, we’d love to help you prepare for any upcoming moving and storage needs, particularly in a super competitive market. Just contact us for a free contactless quote, and we can help walk you through the process.
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