
Fun Activities for the Whole Family in Kansas City

As a parent, moving is incredibly stressful. However, it’s also very stressful on your children, especially with regards to social activities. Luckily, if you are planning a move to Kansas City this summer, there are…

Transform Your Yard to a Tropical Paradise

After paying for moving expenses, not too many families have money left over for vacations. Now that your moving company has left, there are many ways to enjoy an at-home vacation. You can create a tropical…

What to Do with Moving Boxes

After a Kansas City mover unpacks your house, empty boxes may clutter your new space. Getting these boxes out your house is no doubt a priority, and you probably can’t wait until trash day. But don’t move…

Ways to Keep Kids Busy During a Move

Moving day is a busy time. Even if you hire a Kansas City mover to load the truck, you probably have several items on your to-do list. The less distractions you have, the better. And unfortunately, your…

Tips for Moving While Pregnant

While pregnancy is a wonderful time, you may experience a variety of aches and pains. If your present home isn’t big enough for a family, you may move before the baby arrives. Moving can be…

Unexpected Fun in Kansas City

Although Dorothy may think Kansas is home, sweet home, those of us who haven’t experience its vast, flatter than a pancake lands, might be skeptical. The winds are mild. The weather is humid, but not…

Tips to Sell a House Yourself

Why pay a realtor 6% commission when you can sell your own home? Buying a house is expensive with closing costs and down payments. The proceeds from your sale can offset these costs. But if…

Do You Need Movers?

There is no denying the benefits of hiring a Kansas City mover to help on your big day. But if you’re interested in saving money, you may hesitate to give cash to a professional. Rather than focus…

How To Find A Tutor After Moving To A New Hometown

One of your main concerns after hiring Kansas City movers and relocating your family to a new part of the country is ensuring that your kids’ schoolwork doesn’t slip as they transition into a new hometown. Moving…