
Beltmann Integrated Logistics named an EPA SmartWay Transport Partner

Recently, Beltmann Integrated Logistics was recently named a SmartWay Transport Partner with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.   The SmartWay Transport Partnership is designed to improve the environmental performance of the freight delivery system.  The partnership addresses greenhouse gas emissions, fuel consumption, criteria pollutants and operating costs associated with ground freight transportation operations.

Beltmann’s commitment to the program is to promote greater energy efficiency and air quality within the freight transportation sector.  As a SmartWay partner, BIL’s role will be to encourage carriers and logistics companies we employ to participate in partnership, help them get the tools and information they need to reduce fuel consumption, save money and make a positive impact on the environment.

In return, the EPA will increase public awareness of BIL’s partnership and post our company’s name in the coming weeks on their website at (  Partnership also includes usage of the SmartWay logo according to their brand guidelines.  Usage of the logo should be approved by management as there are strict guidelines to follow.

The EPA will support us in achieving our greenhouse gas reduction goals for 2011 by working closely with BIL to address challenges and creating incentives.  In the coming weeks, you will hear more about our plans for 2011 which will include updates to our website and proposals however for now, to learn more about the SmartWay Transport Partnership program, please visit