
Homeowner Resolutions for 2020 Round 1: Go Sustainable

Ushering in a new year always inspires reflection and motivation, and everywhere you turn you’ll hear talks of self-improvement. As you set your own goals for the new year, what better place to focus than the home where you spend so much of your time? 

We’ll be dedicating our January posts to different ways you can make little changes in your home that will add up to make a big difference! And whether you’re a first time homeowner or you’ve owned many a home over the years, there’s no better time of year than January to set some goals to better your environment. 

In this edition of our homeowner resolutions, we are spotlighting sustainability. There are endless options to make your home more sustainable in the new year. Choose a few options that seem manageable instead of going for everything on the list at once; once one becomes habit you can add more to your routine!

Reduce Toxic Chemicals 

You’re probably noticing the trend toward non-toxic cleaning products, and it’s not just a flash in the pan. As more research comes out, we are realizing that common household products like fabric softener, handsoap, and hairspray aren’t always as innocuous as they seem. The Environmental Working Group, a non-profit group specializing in the research of chemicals and their role in our lives, is a great place to start learning more about household cleaners and the safer alternatives you can use instead. If you’re intrigued, you might also download the EWG’s app, which has an easy-to-use scanner which allows you to scan a product’s barcode and quickly see all the safety information related to its ingredients. It takes the mystery out of the complex labels on our household products. Even if your goal is to replace just one cleaner with a safer alternative, you’ll be doing yourself, your family, and the environment a huge favor!

Beltmann Moving and Storage, 2020 Goals for a More Sustainable Home and Future


According to the EPA, “food scraps and yard waste together currently make up more than 28 percent of what we throw away, and should be composted instead.” Composting is a great way to get a better perspective on what you use in your home, and the benefits, which range from improving the soil to reducing what you send to the landfill, are seemingly endless! Get more how-to compost pointers from the EPA to learn more and get started.

Meal Plan

It may not seem related to sustainability, but planning your meals for the week is a great way to reduce food waste, and thus, make your home more sustainable. If you’re new to meal planning, try an app like Mealime, FoodPlanner, or Allrecipes Dinner Spinner, all of which are free and will reduce time in the kitchen, food waste, and potentially your grocery bill!

Eliminate Single Use Items

Sandwich baggies, shopping bags, and plastic storage containers are all single use items that have reusable counterparts. Using cloth grocery bags means no more plastic bags headed for the landfill, and items like reusable sandwich bags also make one less item you have to repeatedly spend money on. Opting for glassware instead of plastic makes for a more durable alternative, and it also means safer food prep, as plastic containers are known to release harmful chemicals into foods when heated.

If 2020 has you feeling motivated, any of these items on their own would be a great starting point for a home that’s more sustainable. And if a move is in your future, remember that the experts at Beltmann can help the process be as seamless as possible. Give us a call today!