
5 Things to Consider When Moving to Kansas City

A move to Kansas City might be prompted by a job relocation, a new job, retirement plans, or plans to be closer to friends or family. Moving to a new city brings many unknowns, and there are a lot of things to consider before making the move.

1. Consider the job availability and salary possibilities. Find out what the job market is like in Kansas City for your field. Learn what the salary range in this part of the country. You should start looking for work at least two months before you begin to plan for a move. The sooner, the better.

2. Consider the local taxes and the cost of living. Some states do not have state taxes, but you will need to look into the property taxes and sales taxes for the area you are moving to. The cost of living may be higher or lower than what you currently are used to. This will impact your budgeting for things such as housing, transportation, food, clothing, and utilities.

3. Consider moving less. It takes time, but it is worth it to go through your belongings and decide what is not really needed. A Kansas City mover can come for an in-home estimate, but show them only the items you can’t sell, donate, or give away. This will reduce your overall weight and therefore your estimate.

4. Consider your family. Where will your children go to school? This will impact the neighborhood you choose to live in. Find out what recreational activities are available, as well as dining, entertainment, and cultural opportunities.

5. Consider using only a reputable Kansas City mover. Be cautious of online recommendations, they could be written by anyone. Contact the Better Business Bureau before committing to a mover.

(Photo attributed to flickr member @Gavin St. Ours via the creative common license)