Best Movers in Atlanta, GA - Beltmann Offers These International Moving Tips
If you are planning to move overseas, with over 50 years in the business Beltmann is one of the best movers in Stone Mountain & Atlanta to handle the job
If you are moving out of the country is in the future for you and your family, there are so many things you need to take care of, things can get a little stressful. As one of the best movers in Atlanta, the experts at the Beltmann Moving and Storage offer these helpful international moving tips.
1. Reach Out to Your New Country’s Consulate
When you are moving to a new country, there is likely to be a wealth of paperwork that needs to be completed such as visas, medical information, and more. By reaching out to the embassy early, you can be sure you have all of the paperwork adequately completed and ready to go long before you are. This can save you a lot of time and trouble and expense compared to waiting until you arrive in your new country.
2. Take Care of Your Banking
You may want to close most of your US bank accounts out but be sure you leave one open. Even though you will be living and working in another country, you must not only pay their income taxes, but you are also still responsible for paying US income taxes. Having a bank account here in the US will make it much easier for you to pay your taxes. You can also find out about exchange rates and fund transfers to your new home.
3. Important Documents
Traveling overseas typically means carrying a lot of important documents such as identification cards, driver’s licenses, visas, passports, and birth certificates. Be sure you make photocopies of them all and keep them separate. In the event you should lose the originals, having copies can save you from fines, imprisonment, even deportation.
4. Make Advance Reservations
Depending on what time of year you plan to move, you need to make your reservations well in advance. This includes for things like the best movers in Atlanta, your airline tickets, and hotel rooms if you don’t have a home to move in right away. Waiting until the last minute could cause unnecessary delays and expenses.
5. What About Rover?
If you are planning to take your family dog with you, be sure you take them to the veterinarian for any necessary shots and a full physical to make they can not only make the journey but also make it through any quarantine period required in your new homeland.
If you are ready to let the best movers in Atlanta take on the task of help make your international move go as smoothly and affordable as possible, contact the Beltmann Moving and Storage of Atlanta at (770) 854-1551 and let’s get the ball rolling.