Tips for Making Your Tiny Bathroom Feel a Little Bigger
July 22, 2014
Anyone who’s ever lived with a tiny bathroom knows that it can start to feel like you’re in a sitcom, but the Bay Area is notorious for small rooms and small bathrooms. But even if your new home has a less-than large bathroom space, there are ways to make it feel bigger. To keep your bathroom space from feeling so claustrophobic, check out these tips.
Use space efficiently. This is probably sounds like a given. But have you really maximized all the space in your bathroom? For instance, if you need some extra shelf space, consider the wall above the door or toilet. Or if you need some more place to stick things like toothbrushes and toiletries, try using the inside of cabinet doors and use hanging containers. There are a lot of solutions when you start thinking outside the box, and they don’t necessarily have to clutter up the vibe of your bathroom.
Rack and hooks! It’s amazing what a few of these little guys will do. Adding a few classy hooks and racks in your bathroom can not only give you way more storage space, but it also looks more neat and organized.
Use a shower head rack. There are all sorts of variation or shower racks, and some work better than others. Find one that fits your style and function, or you could even find ways to rig up your own. This will keep your soaps and shampoos off the tub and all confined to one neat space.
Two words: big mirrors. Most small bathroom come paired with an equally small mirror. We all know that a decent sized mirror can make smaller rooms feel bigger, so why not try it in the bathroom?
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