
Packing Tips For A Smooth Move

Moving can be challenging and while most of the actual moving of your possessions is up to your moving company, you have an influence as well. If you pack your boxes in a smart way,…

3 Mortgage Mistakes You Can’t Afford

Qualifying for a home loan may be a dream come true – especially if you’re buying your first house. As the real fun begins, you might hire a real estate agent to help you find…

How to Negotiate Renting with Pets

After months and months of searching, you finally locate the perfect apartment. You gather your security deposit, complete the application and begin looking for an affordable Kansas City mover. But unfortunately, you receive word that the…

Tips for Moving Into a House with Friends

Renting a house or an apartment with friends is one way to exert your independence, plus rooming together can save you money each month. But when you share a place with another person, problems can…

Transform Your Yard to a Tropical Paradise

After paying for moving expenses, not too many families have money left over for vacations. Now that your moving company has left, there are many ways to enjoy an at-home vacation. You can create a tropical…

How to Save Cash for a Down Payment

Hiring a mover might take the stress out of moving into another house. But before you can get to this point, you have to make sure that you’re able to qualify for a home loan. If…

Tips to Move Cheaply

You probably have a lot going on in your life, and the last thing you want to deal with is a move. But if you’re moving for work or to be closer to family, there’s…

What to Do with Moving Boxes

After a Kansas City mover unpacks your house, empty boxes may clutter your new space. Getting these boxes out your house is no doubt a priority, and you probably can’t wait until trash day. But don’t move…

Ways to Keep Kids Busy During a Move

Moving day is a busy time. Even if you hire a Kansas City mover to load the truck, you probably have several items on your to-do list. The less distractions you have, the better. And unfortunately, your…

Recycle Your Moving Boxes

Several details need to be addressed when moving. You have to select a Kansas City mover, plan your move out date, and have funds on hand to afford moving-related expenses. With all this going on, you…