
50 Things to Simplify & Declutter Before You Move

moving and storage

The moving date is scheduled. The professional movers are booked. If you’re feeling a little overwhelmed or wondering whereto begin, rest assured that is natural. The to-do list can feel a little bit intimidating at times, which is why we’ve broken it down to specifics on what to do before you’re actually moving in.


Another great place to start is simply getting rid of excess stuff — so you won’t have to toss it away later if you don’t really need once you’re settled in the new place.


We took some inspiration from this extra-thorough de-cluttering post, and chose our favorite 50 things to simplify, declutter, donate, or merely get rid of before you move.


From the Kitchen:

  1. Plastic Food Storage (take-out and Tupperware) with missing lids
  2. Old condiments from restaurants
  3. Plastic silverware
  4. Expired pantry food
  5. Expired refrigerator food
  6. Serving dishes you have not used within the past year
  7. “Junk” from the junk drawer
  8. Advertising magnets
  9. Flower vases you never use
  10. Excess empty jars you don’t plan to actually use


From the Office:

  1. Old receipts
  2. Dried up pens and markers
  3. Warranty information you no longer need
  4. Empty ink cartridges
  5. Old software
  6. Miscellaneous tech equipment you no longer use
  7. Old power cords, chargers, etc.
  8. Outdated textbooks
  9. Phone books or directories
  10. Insurance documents for expired accounts


From the Garage or Storage Area:

  1. Old or broken-down sports equipment
  2. Broken power tools
  3. Holiday decorations you’re not using this year or next
  4. Toys and bicycles that your people have outgrown
  5. Dried-out paint cans
  6. Expired chemicals (lawn care fertilizer, bug spray, etc.)
  7. Random hardware you hardly use
  8. Dead batteries
  9. Old lumber scraps
  10. Power cords or holiday lights that no longer work


From the Living Room:

  1. Worn-out throw pillows
  2. Old blankets
  3. Used candles
  4. Kids’ toys that don’t belong with your décor
  5. VHS tapes
  6. Coasters you no longer love
  7. Seasonal décor items that no longer match your vibe
  8. Old magazines/ books/ newspapers
  9. CDs
  10. Used candles


From the Bedroom and Bathroom:

  1. Random paper clutter in your drawers
  2. Sheets or blankets that don’t match your colors or are worn down
  3. Shoes that no longer fit
  4. Worn-out clothes, PJs, bathing suits
  5. Old tote bags
  6. Empty boxes (or set these aside for more donations)
  7. Hats you don’t wear anymore
  8. Seasonal clothes you’ll no longer need (i.e., winter coat if you’re moving to a much warmer climate)
  9. Jewelry or accessories you didn’t wear in the past year
  10. Old prescriptions you no longer need


At Beltmann, we are here to assist you with all of your moving and relocation services. Or if you’re planning to move at a future time, much of this list could even be accomplished over the course of a long weekend. Contact us today to get a quote for your move, and find out why we are the best in the business.