International Moving Tips with Pets

Moving with your pet(s) overseas can be especially challenging. Beltmann Moving and Storage has the international moving expertise to simplify the process.

While moving internationally can be difficult, moving with pets can be especially challenging. Most people view their pets as family and can be incredibly painful to part with a loved one when moving overseas. While the process may be onerous, thankfully, it is far from an impossible challenge. If you are trying to decide whether or not to move with your pet, here are a few steps you can take to get started:

  1. Check Local Regulations
    The first step is to find out whether or not you can bring your pet along at all. Regulations vary from country to country. For example, some places will not allow some species of cats or dogs.
  2. Contact Airlines
    Different airlines have varying regulations when it comes to transporting pets internationally. Especially on connecting flights where the rules may change between one country to the next. Make sure to contact a representative and ensure you are up-to-date on each step of your journey to avoid any problems.
  3. Assess the Living Situation
    Before deciding to bring along your pet, make sure to research the pet care options where you’ll be living. Are there offices readily available? If you will be renting, does your apartment or house accept pets?

If you are interested in international moving, especially the process of moving with pets, contact the professionals at Beltmann Moving and Storage for even more tips and assistance. 1-866-252-2383