
Why You Should Definitely Google an Address Before You Buy

We Google everything – so why wouldn’t we use the number one search engine in the world to find out more intel about a house we are considering dumping a TON of money into? It only makes sense. What you may not know it was to search for, so here are a few of our private investigator-type tips.

Google Street View

Google the address of your home on Google Maps and then select “street view” – this will help you to search the area from a satellite view. You can check the area for things you may not have noticed during your visit. You can also check yard size, proximity to neighbors and also take a sneak-peek into their backyards.

Check for Drugs

Even if you’re moving into a nice neighborhood, it still may be worth checking The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s database for homes that have once been identified as drug labs.

Radon & Airports

Another thing to search for is the home’s past exposure to radon by Google searching for, “city + radon and airport zones.” You will most likely receive information like this in the homes disclosures, but why waste your time if it’s a deal breaker for you?

Flood Zones

Another easy thing to find via a quick search is your city’s flood zone areas. This again, should be something disclosed – but, it’s better to know ahead of time that your home insurance will probably be higher if you decide to buy in an identified flood zone.

City Stats

There are a bunch of sites that publish city statistics that can also help you determine if you want to move to a new city. Things like school ratings, crime rates, demographics, and median income vs. median home price – are all important factors to determining your quality of life in a new city.

Once you find a home and you’re ready to move – let us be your next Google search. We would be happy to provide you with a free, no-obligation moving quote and get you on your way to your new adventure.